This list is in no particular order, as you can see, my list is on the pricey side in hopes that black Friday would be a successful one... ♥

Nikon SLR - I think this is a great investment. Now that I've noticed how fast Maximus is growing up, I would like to capture every minute of it.

Diamond wedding band - I suck! I lost my wedding band while I was pregnant due to swelling. Not trying to make any excuses but yes, I blame it on the swelling. I can't wear my engagement ring because it doesn't match with my gold replacement. =(

Macbook Air - ok, I might be a little over my head on this one but I sooooo want one. I dropped the Macbook Pro a couple of months back, so my brother took it with him to LA to get it fix and now I'm stuck with a Toshiba. I can do wonders with this laptop. Maybe after our Hawaii vacay? A gift to me & my hubby for our 2 year anniversary...

Marc by Marc Jacobs Bag - If I don't get this for my birthday or Christmas, I'm getting it for myself. It's my baby bag. I'm tired sporting a Petunia Pickle. I love how there's pocket on the sides (great for bottles). I especially love how it's nylon, so I don't have to worry if it gets dirty or wet.