Saturday, October 30, 2010

The old me vs. The new me

I looooved watching scary movies, not just frightening but the gory kinds (I seen the first 5 Saw movies!), now I can't even bare to see the Paranormal Activity previews. These days, Twilight Saga are the only movies I can watch. LOL

I never hesitated to drop $100+ on a pair of shoes or $500+ on a handbag, now I always think twice to spend more than $100 for a whole outfit (I rather shop for Max than for myself - sad but so true!)

Every weekend used to be wining, dining and going out to dance the night away, these days, weekends consists of grocery stores, parties or gatherings, and Costco (occasionally date night with my hubby - love those moments!)

I couldn't miss an episode of MTV's The Hills, now I can't miss an episode of Bravo's Housewives of Beverly Hills or New York.

YSL/Louis Vuitton handbag was my preferred choice and now sport a Petunia Pickle baby bag! ha!

Hennessy and mix drinks was my preferred drink when I partied and now I cannot stand the smell of Henn. I can only have the clear drinks but definitely my preferred choice is the bubbly! =)

My hobbies used to be shopping, shopping and shopping, well now it's baking, event planning and more baking. =)

Being a wife and a mommy definitely changed my life, not for worst but for better. I am much more responsible, very much domestic and taking a whole new way of life. I love my new life and wouldn't change it for the world. Before having Max or being married, the only thing I worried about is having the latest sunglasses or bag, well now it's the little things such as making sure we have dinner on the table, making sure our laundry is done and most importantly Max is well taken care of. I cannot wait to see what the future holds. =)

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