I've been MIA in the blog world for the past couple of weeks... for VERY good reasons. I finally had my baby boy! Stay tuned for the birth story but for now... I rather not get into it. I have a sleeping baby right next to me which I'm very afraid he might wake any minute, which may cause me to save my post and come back to it once I have the time.
Since having my baby... I am no longer thinking about the latest Louis V bag, the huge sale at Bloomies, the dress I can't live without at French Connection, the restaurant I'm dying to eat at, or my Edward Cullen Twilight obsession. Instead I find myself preoccupied on when the last time I fed my son, or how I'm in desperate need of a wipes warmer, or how much diapers you go through in one day.
After having a baby, I now realized how my life has completely changed. I know it's so cliche when other mothers say that "It's no longer just about me" but I now understand what they mean by that . I just experienced one of the best things any woman can possibly experience...
With that said, as a new mommy, here is a list of baby stuff that I can't live without:
- Pacifiers
- Dr Brown bottles
- Playtex Drop In bottles
- Playtex Genie
- Bright Start Bouncer
- Fleece swaddlers
- Good Start Gentle Formula
- 3 months sleepers (he outgrew NB's in 1 week - he's a long baby)
- Pampers swadlers
- Wipes warmer
- Newborn Mittens
Things we've tried and didn't work out too well:
- Arm's Reach Co sleeper (he now sleeps b/w mommy & daddy)
- Huggies (experienced our 1st blow out - gross!)
- Breastfeeding
- Enfamil Formula
- Socks (his feet are still too tiny)