I know... I've been terribly missing in action for the past month. It amazes me how time simply flies especially when you're busy taking care of a little one. I know I have once again neglected my blog, but with a newborn to take care, it's simply impossible to make time for myself, let alone update a blog. Now that my baby is getting a little older, a little more experience in the baby department, I can now have some "me time."
My baby is now 7 weeks old and although 7 weeks may not be much but 7 weeks with a baby has been a hand full. Lack of sleep, a handful of arguments with the hubby, at times a fussy baby made me realized how I appreciate "me time." I can honestly say I'm exhausted! It sounds quite cliche but the term "It's worth it" is underated... I don't even remember how my life was before having Max.
Here are a few pictures of my baby boy!